By indexing the diffraction patterns in the hypereutectic, we get the relationship of crystal orientation. 通过标定过共晶铝硅合金两相区衍射斑点指数,确定了过共晶相的取向关系。
Several additional examples showing the application of EBSD to crystal orientation analysis, grain boundary character were demonstrated. 并结合实例说明EBSD技术在钢铁材料中取向、晶界研究等方面的应用。
The influences of crystal orientation on copper oxidation were investigated. 本文研究了具有不同晶格取向的铜的氧化特性。
In comparison with the carbonized fibers, the carbon fibers after graphitization treatment display more perfect crystal orientation along the main surface of ribbon-shaped carbon fibers. 与炭化处理纤维相比,石墨化纤维晶体结构更加完整,沿纤维主表面的取向程度更高。
A model for the transformation of Crystal orientation in face-centred cubic metals has been proposed here. 本文提出一个面心立方金属中晶体取向转变的模型。
Crystal orientation relationship of eutectic phase in hyper-eutectic Al-Si alloy 过共晶铝硅合金中铝硅共晶相取向关系
A Novel Algorithm for Circuit Partitioning at Transistor Level Comparison of Two Determination Method of Single Crystal Orientation and Distribution 一种新的基于晶体管级的电路划分算法单晶取向及其分布两种测定方法的对比
Comparison of Two Determination Method of Single Crystal Orientation and Distribution 单晶取向及其分布两种测定方法的对比
Simulation Microstructure Crystal orientation Finite element method; 仿真;微结构;晶体取向;有限元法;
In this paper, the electrooptic effect of ferro-electic liquid crystals, device configurations, crystal orientation and main applications are reviewed. 文章综述了铁电液晶的电光效应、器件结构、取向方法和主要应用。
The crystal orientation of Cu-Al-Ni SMA wires is analyzed with X-ray Diffraction ( XRD). 用X-ray衍射仪分析了合金丝内晶粒的晶体取向;
The influence of the crystal orientation of the substrate on microstructure is investigated by multi layer laser cladding with the powder of nickel base superalloy. 采用镍基合金粉,研究了激光多层涂覆过程中基材晶体取向对涂层凝固组织的影响规律。
The annealing texture of Zr-4 alloy cold rolling plate is studied with the crystal orientation distribution function ( ODF). 用晶体取向分布函数(ODF)研究了Zr-4合金冷轧板的退火织构。
In this paper, a procedure of Beryllium Aluminate crystal orientation by using Laue's X-ray back-reflection technique is described. The stereographic projection for ( 001) crystal plans is also given. 本文描述了用X射线背射劳厄法对铝酸铍晶体进行定向的过程,并给出沿(001)晶面的极射赤面投影图。
Effects of crystal orientation and load mode on fatigue behavior in ni_3al alloy single crystals 晶体取向和载荷模式对Ni3Al合金单晶体疲劳行为的影响
Influence of crystal orientation on microstructure and segregation of Ni base single crystal superalloy 晶体取向对镍基单晶高温合金铸态组织和偏析的影响
The influence of crystal orientation on crystal hardening and activity of slip system under uniaxial tension is studied according to the numerical results. 在数值计算的基础上研究了单轴拉伸下晶体的不同取向对单晶体硬化程度和滑移系激活情况的影响。
Effect of substrate structures on crystal orientation of the FeS_2 thin films 薄膜生长基底对FeS2晶体取向的影响
Relationship between X-ray two-dimensional diffraction data and crystal orientation distribution function X射线二维衍射数据与晶体取向分布函数的关系研究
Influence of crystal orientation on the primary dendrite arm spacing of a single crystal superalloy 晶体取向对单晶高温合金一次枝晶间距的影响
The microstructure formation and phase selection characteristics of Co Cu peritectic alloys during rapid solidification are investigated experimentally. The relationships between such physical factors as cooling rate, microstructure morphology, crystal orientation, and alloy resistivity are further analyzed. 研究了CoCu包晶合金快速凝固过程中的相选择和组织形成特征,探索了冷却速率、组织结构和晶体位向与合金电阻率之间的相关规律。
The reason why superheat treatment can influence the microstructure, mechanics property and crystal orientation obviously is that superheat treatment changes the melt structure state and the change of the liquid metal structure is response to the influence. 熔体过热处理之所以对Al-4.7%Cu合金定向凝固组织、力学性能及晶体取向有显著影响,是因为熔体过热处理改变了熔体的结构状态,液态金属结构的改变直接影响了最终的组织、性能及晶体取向。
The effects of laser parameters, atmosphere conditions and crystal orientation to the forming of the micro-structures have been studied. 研究了激光参数、气氛条件和硅片晶向等因素对表面微结构的影响,并对其形成机理给出了定性的理论解释。
Summarizing those investigation and application, a model of controlling crystal orientation by solidification in magnetic field is proposed. 综合这些内容,文中给出了磁场中凝固取向控制的参考模型。
The crystal orientation of copper substrate surface is changed by heating copper substrate at high temperature. 试验中对铜基板采用高温老化的手段改变了铜基板表面的晶体取向。
And the influence of the magnetic intensity on the magnetic properties, crystal orientation and structure of barium ferrite was investigated. 主要考察了磁感应强度因素对强磁场取向压制的钡铁氧体磁性能的影响规律以及对其晶体取向和组织结构的影响规律。
The difference of crystal orientation for different directions is the main cause of the anisotropy. 晶体取向的不同是造成强迫剪切行为各向异性的主要原因。
Electron back-scattering diffraction ( EBSD) results provide more detailed local crystal orientation information and illustrate interesting features of the structure of the lines, with regions of distinctly different grain sizes and orientations. 本文中,还采用了电子背散射衍射(EBSD)测试方法,数据结果提供了更详细的晶体取向信息,阐述了非常有趣的结构特征,例如辐照区域内明显不同的晶粒尺寸和取向。
This is because the crystal orientation of diamond grains randomly distributed in the grinding wheel surface. 这是因为各向异性的金刚石磨粒结晶方向在砂轮表面的分布是随机的。
The even temperature field can be fit for crystal orientation by suppressing turbulence in melt. 湍流被抑制就已经可满足晶体取向所需要的较均匀的温度场的要求。